
gwt-fabridge 1.1.1 released

You can download the new version here.

This release integrates new versions of gwt2swf and the fabridge. Rafal Malinowski has now updated gwt2swf with the changes necessary for gwt-fabridge. You can use his original library directly with gwt-fabridge.

gwt-fabridge itself has become more stable and convenient. You can now use addCompleteListener, addChangeListener, addClickListener and addOpenListener instead of the generic addEventListener. More importantly you can use JSNIUtils.convertArray(JavaScriptObject) to convert Javascript arrays to a Java ArrayList (this is convenient for Actionscript methods that return arrays).

The new version of fabridge from Devin Garner "allows access to the toString, statics, constants" (more info here). For now I have only integrated his first version, not his second. The latter did not work with my createASObject method. Thanks to Vasile Dumitrascu for the tip!

There still is no official version of FABridge, which fixes this problem. You have to change your version of fabridge.js accordingly or you have to use the version that comes with gwt-fabridge.

For code examples and more tips how to use the library, please read the previous post for 1.0